Monday, May 31, 2010

Give up smoking. It's Easy.

Today is no tobacco day. You tell to a smoker and ask him to refrain from smoking for 24hrs, I doubt whether 10% of them will be able to do it. No matter how determined they are. They are going to crack now or after few hours. So here I am going to explain the ways you can cure the addiction (it's not a habit). It’s easy. It’s easier than whatever you thought to be or most of the smoker dies without knowing this could be such an easy thing to QUIT. Still don’t believe me. Same applies to me a year back. But I was determined to kick this habit. I had the habit of chewing tobacco (GUTKHA, as they call it in our place). But I managed to kick this habit after 13 years of swallowing the dingy saliva. It’s almost a year not touched it. Don’t feel like touching it. If you have read so far I am sure you are little determined to quit and equally suspicious or even more. I won’t charge anything; neither will I ask you to join any course. I will provide the resource right here which you can download for free and enjoy the "Non-Smoker" status from now on. No medicine, no tobacco pills anything. Just looking the things differently.

I am not going to tell you, what are the problems that involve in smoking or Chewing GUTKHA. Every smoker are aware of it. And even they know the next cigarette is not going to kill them. So they don’t really pay a shit about the adv and display all around. But deep inside they always wanted to be a non-smoker, want to enjoy his days as a non-smoker is. And all these determination scales high when he had continuous coughing last night. So there are three aspects we will discuss about smoking.

1. Why at all we start smoking.

2. If we start then what makes us to hook to it for ever.

3. How to leave it without those withdrawal pangs such as headache and nausea. it's EASY.

Q1. The answer to this question is easy. It all start out of fun. I wont be wrong if i say close to 100%. Putting a cigarette in between the fingers and light it and pushing the smoke out of the mouth is style statement. It makes you the Mr. Unique/Mr. Tough among the peers, without a single clue that the Mr. Tough will be glued to the smoking guns forever unable to move his ass out of it.

Q2. Now there is a little monster in it. yes Nicotine. When you had the first shoot, its effect is so mild you never felt like you need to have another one. The first shot might make you cough like anything. That’s how our body is designed with. if it doesn't like it shows. But as smokers (tough guys, i mean it) they conquer it. It take Just few minutes for the nicotine to get into blood and give the so called virtual kick. Now the "kick" starts to fade away equally fast. So the brain sends a trigger to have one more. Now sometimes so happen if there is a gap you unknowingly open a cigarette pack to grab one. That because of the sub-conscious mind that ruled by the brain.

Q3. If something that is controlled by brain knowingly and unknowingly how it will be easy to quit. Teach it. You absolutely don’t need any determination to stop you to the shop. its only you need to convince yourself that you have to break the nicotine chain that you have created years ago. Once that chain is broken you are back to a non-smoker.

So let me stop telling you the bits and pieces from the Allen carr's easyway (Onlyway) to stop smoking better watch this video.

The book they are talking about in this video is right here. Download it. Keep it. Keep a pack of cigarette or few packs of Gutkha. its a 111 page book but excluding blank pages and others it will be 80 odd pages. It should not take more than 3-4 hrs to go through in detail. You complete reading and at the end of it you are a non-smoker. The good part is you are allowed to smoke while reading the book. What else someone want?

For those who are not comfortable in reading or want one to one (interactive) seminar please check the same in your locality. Almost all major city in India and around the world are covered. "Allen Carr's" organize events and do the money back guarantee. If you can’t kick the habit they will refund the money :)

What you have to do: After doing this if you are successful please give the comment and forward it to your friends,else scold me. You just need to read. You are not loosing anything by reading. If it does not click you are the same person as you were before reading.

All the tips are picked up from Allen Carr's EASYWAY to stop smoking. I have read the book and all the materials are owned by the Author of the book and respective publisher and stakeholders. I dont belong to Allen carr's organisation nor i have a motive to do a business. its purely for informational purpose.

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