Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I don't support Ramdev, with all due respect

The moment i make my first statement, i might sound odd. Isn't it? But that's the truth. Here i am not questioning the intention of Ramdev, or his fasting but what i dislike about the whole affair is his solution to curb the black money. There are something you should leave the experts to do. You just initiate the process, monitor it but not a part of it.

If he is telling, govt should bring the money back to India that is hoarded in Swiss Bank, I am with him. One more point he was making is to stop the bigger denomination of 500 and 1000. Here lies the difference. I know his intention is to stop hoarding the black money. As a citizen, popular citizen you can ask for the transparency or the progress report on the issues that you have. But the moment you are pointing what needs to be done then there is a problem. Lets talk about the denomination. We are in a age where 9-10% of inflation is quiet natural. So in layman terms Money is loosing its value by 9-10% each year. So the amount of thing that you can buy in the Year 1991 on 100 rupees note, the same amount will cost you 560 rupees in 2011 considering 9% of inflation through out. So all the transaction in 100 rupees currency is equally painful for normal man.

Another point i would like to mention. This time govt was little pro-active in persuading in what is going through and what are there plans. They received Ramdev and finance minister talk to him personally. The minutes of meeting has never surfaced officially neither from him nor from government. So we as a common man never got to know what in reality stops them from getting the money back to India and on the black money curbing what are the steps govt is taking. If Ramdev doesn't like the Govt initiative then why he doesn't like it? Nothing in reality has come out publicly.

So my humble request will be creating agitation, and mobilizing a mass movement in anyway will put tremendous pressure on a ruling side, and sometimes powerful enough to put a functional govt to a defunct state. So lets keep the pressure on without squeezing it too much. There are several ways you can put a check on black money segment, apart from high value denomination. So let's have something concrete rather than going for a fast to see wonder overnight, as if Manmohan is sitting with Swis Bank user ID and password will log in and transfer all the money back to India. Just to give another example Singapore has a currency of 10000 sing dollar. Can you imagine one note is equivalent to 3.6 Lac rupees. So the country should be heaven for black money hoarder. Answer is a big NO. You put the check and balance in several places, that's it. Don't ask me how? I will leave this to experts to decide.

By saying this i no way defend the action that was done by Delhi police on the people who are sleeping silently and protesting. Again on the flip side I don't accept the fact where Ramdev was talking about keeping some trained young people with weapons for RavanLeela at Ram Maidan if things happen again. So the bottomline is if i am concerned about something, i will try to initiate the process that will mitigate the issue, but not by myself. Indira Gandhi during her tenure very intuitively know that science has to grow for the country to flourish. ISRO formed, atomic research center formed, even sent man to moon during her period. She herself didn't study science for the growth, she made the environment conducive for the rest to flourish. So let me re-iterate you let your concern send across the table but not the solution.

Honestly i sometimes feel you are good at the shows at morning 4 o' clock doing pranayam. You are good at that stick to it. Else always remember great power bring great responsibility. If not well directed might work as double edge sword.

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