Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How long.... we are going to be in grass-root?

In one of the interview i hear MR Obrean talk the definition of TMC. Its grass root. I am pissed off with his explanation and more on the vision one politician posess. For how long my dear minister you are going to keep the people on grass root? Running a country or state is no less than running a enterprise and running a enterprise one need business accumen not seer politics.

I always strongly feel we need to change the eco-system. For instance women-reservation (empowerment) bill. If a woman is not empowered to walk alone in the street whats the point in the bill? I feel if a country is safe enough to walk down on the street in the mid night for a woman without a fear or aprehension of being mobbed or stalked then trust me we don't need a bill. If we can address that rest will be taken care by itself.

Similarily on the reservation (be it on caste or religion). Always change the playing field. If we facilitate a guy from minority to take up education, information or knowledge with mainstream trust me he don't need reservation. Once the earlier is addressed rest will be taken care of as side effect. But explaing the process in a political rally is difficult compared to one word as reservation.

Avg income of people are growing along with the economy. PPP is on raise as well. Same people if need to travel on same railway which is more prone to accident, i bet my wallet on this people don't mind to pay a premium for safety and other services. Empower people with information, infrastructure and vibrant environment. Once they alleveate from there so called grass-root they don't mind paying for the service.

So i want a leader who take them from the grass root to sky level, inflate there expectation and meet them. Once you do that they don't want any f**kin subsidy on petrol, gas or commutation. Playing to the gallery for petty politics will drag the whole generation behind. Call is yours.

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