Friday, November 9, 2012

People, System and corruption

Going to a news site on regular basis becomes part of life. Checking Facebook and news handle in twitter for extra kick is also a ritual. Being in proximity to the media (Indian media in particular) you are not going to miss corruption for sure. After Arvind Kejriwal got into politics in a big way, and hitting his target mercilessly on a 4-5 o clock press conference, so the evening discussion picks the topic till late night, adds extra spice to all of these.

So talking politics and talking corruption over lunch is common practice. so when things comes to point fingers towards politician over corruption, we act as a perfect opposition with no speaker to monitor the proceedings in the cafeteria. But fact remains we are the 95th corrupt country from 180 odd countries as per Transparency International. if you ask Diggy or Kapil Sibal they might simply write off by telling, for your country rating why to consider the fact of an Intentional organisation without any vested interest.

off late i was thinking what could be the root cause? Why the people who got elected, overnight have a different mindset? Why in a mood to amass so much wealth much more what they can chew or digest? A country where we strongly believe in karma ( कर्म), and the result as per our good or bad karma has to be faced in this life, and we do a carry-forward to next life if account can't be settled, yet fearless in looting.  

Country where the ruling party got it's origin from Gandhian ideology, communist party whose philosophy should be structured social order, and that of RSS backed BJP should be of high integrity. Then why people of so varied category does these crimes. So there is something wrong in the system for sure. No matter how colorful Biriyani you eat, the stuff that comes out in the morning have the same odor.

But honestly speaking is there a difference between people and system? Or we the people different from the system that we follow. I don't think so. Even if we argue on it, the line will be very flimsy. According to Rory Stewart, a UK parliamentarian "For politician to be honest, the public needs to allow them to be honest. If the democracy needs to be flourished its the active and informed engagement of every citizen". Why isn't the politician of Newzeland, Singapore or USA are not contaminated with this virus? Are they genetically or morally more sophisticated than us? Just blaming the system is enough as if the so called "system" has fallen from the sky to us. It is fabricated, nurtured by us. Can we not take this moral responsibility of not letting any corrupt practice which will directly or indirectly affect our society and people. Be it in bribing for jumping the signal, or getting a seat in the train, or to get a quick service or be silent on someone doing some wrong. Start objecting and start cleaning self, rest will fall in place.      

In one his interview Imran Khan said "Corruption is what makes a third world country".  it is so true. He further added if you see the list of countries of Transparency International, those who lead the chart are not only clean but are developed. There is such a strong correlation between these two, corruption is difficult to ignore. So lets pledge we do our part, as the people no different from the system. Cleaning ourselves indirectly leads to the cleaning of the country. So next time we accuse someone do remember part of it's we owe as well.

- Jai Hind

PS - Please do comment if you agree, disagree or i need a pat or kick on back.

1 comment:

  1. Superb piece.Like the part "For politician to be honest, the public needs to allow them to be honest. If the democracy needs to be flourished its the active and informed engagement of every citizen"
